Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Hola tossers-

We have returned from our Christmas hiatus and back to blocking the show.We are only a few scenes away from having the entire show blocked and choreographed (Of course half of that will probably be changed between now and opening night, but it is there!). It has been a blast watching these actors find the essence of their characters that already exist, while imposing so much of their own personalities into them.

Last night we blocked the song "Die Vampire Die." In it Susan tries to comfort Jeff and Hunter and get them past the "vampires" in their head getting in the way of their artistic vision. Director Paul Daigneault shared his own personal "vampire".

Paul started SpeakEasy Stage in 1992 and has directed countless shows for the company since then. He said that his vampire involves people's reactions to his shows. No matter how many people might love a show, all it takes is one negative comment to get in his head. Every single reviewer might say "Run now to see this show! Must see! Best show I've ever seen!" but have one minor criticism at the end that is so insignificant compared to the rest of the glowing review. Or he might get 200 emails from people saying how much they loved it, but have one email with something nitpicky in it. Those insignificant minor criticisms morph into a vampire in Paul's head and haunt him night and day. Susan's reaction to this problem? "Die vampire die!"

What are some of your own personal "vampires" that get in the way or your life?

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