Hello everybody and welcome to what I am calling [title of blog]. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Scott Sinclair and I will be the Assistant Director on
[title of show] at SpeakEasy Stage. I will be blogging throughout the rehearsal process to give readers an inside look at what goes into a production.
Rehearsals start in less than a week and everyone cannot wait to start this truly original musical. If you are unfamiliar with the show, please visit the
[title of show] page on SpeakEasy's website by clicking
here or visit the official website of
[title of show] here. To give a brief summary,
[title of show] is a musical about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical.
Are you confused yet?

Don't worry.
[title of show] is an autobiographical musical written by Hunter Bell and Jeff Bowen (Who also starred in the NY productions) that follows their process in writing the show which you are watching on stage. Described accurately by original cast member Susan Blackwell as an ouroboros (a snake eating it's own tail, pictured to the right),
[tos] is filled with self references blurring the line between real life and the show being performed on stage.
Over the next month (maybe even longer if you are lucky), I will be reporting back here to give everyone updates on the rehearsal process, share fun stories, provide interviews with the cast and crew, and hopefully give you a backstage glance at the first of three musicals in the second half of SpeakEasy's 19th Season!
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