Bonjour my [bostossers]!
Thanks to the beauty of the internet, I have gotten in touch with the mexcellent creators/original cast of [title of show]. They are all incredibly sweet and are really excited about our production (as well as the other four productions going on around the country). We have been listed on the [title of show] homepage and Hunter has just written a beautiful blog entry about my [title of blog]. How ouroboros is this?! Hunter has coined a term that I am now stealing.
As you know [tossers] are chat room slang for [title of show] fans, so fans of the Boston [tos] are now [bostossers]. Tell your friends. Use it in a sentence. Use it in your belated Christmas cards. Let's brand this!
As for the actual show, we are ahead of schedule (for now at least...that will probably change at some point). We finished blocking the show this afternoon. That means all the actors have a vague idea of what they are physically doing on stage for the entire show. Now we are going through slowly with a fine toothed comb and fixing problems, tightening up sections, making sure everyone is on the same page, etc. This is where a lot of the intricate details of characters start to become discovered and incorporated into the show. Over the course of the next week is when the show really starts to come together and is exciting to watch. Don't worry, I will try my best to keep you all updated!
So long farewell for now [bostossers]!
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