The other night the cast of [title of show] took a break out of their music rehearsal to pose for publicity photos. Also known as pre-production (or pre-pro) shots, these photos are used for any publicity purposes before the show opens and we have real production photos. While these photos are not shot on the actual set of the show, or use costumes that probably will not be worn in the real show, these are the first images of the cast together in character. I hope you enjoy the following photos shot by Mark L. Saperstein...
Jordan Ahnquist and Joe Lanza star as
"Two Nobodies in New York"

Susan (Val Sullivan), Hunter (Joe Lanza),
Jeff (Jordan Ahnquist), and Heidi (Amy Barker)
"Filling Out the Form" to enter the festival

Heidi (Amy Barker) tries to find
"A Way Back to Then"

Jeff (Jordan Ahnquist) and Hunter (Joe Lanza)
hope to become "Part of It All"

Susan (Val Sullivan) and Heidi (Amy Barker) wonder
"What Kind of Girl is She?"

Jeff (Jordan Ahnquist) and Hunter (Joe Lanza)
write "An Original Musical"

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